Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Ludic Music/ activities and games

Este livro comecei a ecrever quando me deparei com a falta de material didatico que introduzi-se a teoria musical para criancas da faixa etaria de 3 à 6 anos. Sao atividades e jogos que criei para a introduçao das figuras e seus valores; e simbolos musicais, podendo serem usadas individualmente ou como complemento de outros metodos.
O livro  pode ser utilizado  por professores de musicalizaçao infantil e de instrumentos.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013


a few drawing from peter and the wolf. From St. Catriona School dublin- Ireland

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Bird - by the FLUTE
Grandpa by the Basson

Wolf by the FRENCH HORN

Peter by the Strings

Peter and the Wolf by MARISOL DE PAULA

Saturday, 8 June 2013

I am a music teacher- Violin teacher for children.
I made this game to play with the children to teach the music notation. They really love  to play

Peter and the Wolf Workshop

I m doing this workshop in the Primary Schools in Dublin- Ireland. From Junior infant to 4th class.
The children are learning about the composer/ his country/and the music instruments.